The ‘Outlander’ actor attended Swift’s second Eras show in Edinburgh, Scotland, on June 8 with other cast members from the hit show. Swiftlander’ has arrived for...
The ‘American Idol’ host will take over duties from the 77-year-old for season 42 of ‘Wheel of Fortune’ Ryan Seacrest sang Pat Sajak’s praises as Sajak...
As a historic presidential election looms, several of America’s largest and most powerful newsrooms are now being led by English journalists. Why? The news business is...
You can hate Travis Kelce if you wish, but for those of you who claim Travis is overrated, note these facts: Kelce is an eight-time Pro...
One month after his Super Bowl victory, Patrick and Brittany Mahomes have even more to celebrate! The NFL power couple marked two years of marriage on...
The women of The View had a lot to say concerning Travis Kelce following the football player’s recent Wall Street Journal interview about Taylor Swift. On...
Despite Swift’s penchant for privacy, her relationship with Kelce has become a subject of public fascination, drawing comparisons to her previous high-profile romances. Fans have expressed...
Heidi Klum and Seal reunited as they both attended their son Henry’s high school graduation in Pacific Palisades, California on Friday. Heidi Klum and Seal married...
KANSAS CITY, Mo. (AP) — Chiefs coach Andy Reid is resting and in stable condition after being taken to a hospital following Kansas City’s 30-24 loss...
Prince William made a heartfelt mention of his wife, Kate Middleton, during his significant appearance at the D-Day commemorations earlier today. The Prince of Wales joined...