In a stunning turn of events, NFL star Patrick Mahomes and his longtime partner Brittany Matthews have announced their decision to divorce following revelations regarding the...
Before NFL stardom and Taylor Swift, Travis Kelce had his own reality show. Catching Kelce aired on E! in 2016. The then-25-year-old was a newly signed...
Kelce and Swift attended The 15 and Mahomies Foundation Golf Classic gala in Las Vegas on April 27. Travis Kelce is showing love to his girlfriend...
“He wants to marry Taylor right away and start a family as soon as she’s ready. Travis has been so broody that he’s told Taylor he’s...
Taylor Swift is preparing to take over the Billboard charts next week. Her new album The Tortured Poets Department is off to a historic start, and...
Starting in May, Swift’s schedule will keep her quite busy, meaning she won’t have much time to spend with her boyfriend, who will soon return to...
Taylor Swift enjoys night out in Vegas with NFL star Travis Kelce and friends before upcoming tour leg. Pop sensation Taylor Swift was spotted enjoying a...
Travis Kelce and Patrick Mahomes have reportedly returned to the scene of their latest Super Bowl triumph for a double date with Taylor Swift and Brittany...
Travis Kelce has opened up on how his upbringing prepared him for life in the spotlight as Taylor Swift’s boyfriend Kelce’s profile has skyrocketed since he...
Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban have one of the strongest marriages in Hollywood and yet the Big Little Lies star has made a revelation about their...