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Just Now:Brad Pitt files new opposition against Angelina Jolie: Report



Brad Pitt and Angelina Jolie’s legal drama got a new update.

As fans will be aware, the actress filed for divorce from the actor because Brad allegedly abused her and her children during infamous 2016 private jet flight.

New report by In Touch Weekly established that Angelina’s “wide-ranging and intrusive” discovery requests have been opposed by the Mr. and Mrs. Smith alum.

Brad Pitt’s attorney contends against the request for 54, documents, many of which allegedly have nothing to do with their legal battles.

“To avoid unnecessary motion practice and another public filing rife with personal attacks, Pitt voluntarily offered to produce documents sufficient to show everything that occurred on the flight that precipitated the ex-couple’s divorce,” Brad’s lawyer claimed as per the filings obtained by the outlet.

He also addressed, “If Jolie’s Requests were really about ‘what happened on that plane’ as she claims Pitt’s offer should have sufficed.”

“Jolie, however, rejected Pitt’s compromise and moved to compel his communications with third parties—including his most trusted advisors—about such sensitive issues as the therapy he voluntarily undertook after the flight incident in an effort to better himself, ‘drug and alcohol testing’ he has allegedly undergone, his alleged ‘overuse or abuse of alcohol,’ and other actions taken in the aftermath of the flight,” he continued.

Conclusively, the lawyer mentioned, “These private, third-party communications are far removed from the issues and allegations in this case, and in many cases, they have nothing but the most tenuous relationship to ‘what happened on that plane.’ Jolie, however, wants them anyway as part of her efforts to turn this business dispute into a re-litigation of the former couple’s divorce case.”

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