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Olympic swimmers reveal best ‘cure’ to fighting infections after plunging into the polluted Seine River



out anything inside of us

athletes are forced to plunge into its waters for competitive purposes.

However, several athletes believe they have found the remedy – or a prevention method – to combat diseases from the Seine. Doctors have debunked the Coca-Cola myth and declared the method has no medical backing. However, athletes are not taking chances and following the advice given to them by professionals in Paris. ‘The myth of Coca-Cola is true,’ Australian marathon swimmer Moesha Johnson added. ‘We will often have a Coca-Cola afterwards just to try to flush out anything inside of us.’








Olympic swimmers revealed that they drink Coca-Cola to prevent illnesses from the Seine

Aside from the sugary soda, Olympians have also used probiotics before races to ward off sickness.

‘I took pro-biotics, I drank my Yakult, I couldn’t do more,’ Belgian triathlete Jolien Vermeylen said after a July 31 race. ‘I had the idea of ​​not drinking water, but yes, it failed.’

Vemeylen added that the Seine ‘doesn’t taste like Coca-Cola or Sprite, of course.’


Speaking about the method, the president of the American Gastroenterological Association, Dr. Maria Abreu, said that Coca-Cola does not have much of an effect on the Olympians’ intestines.

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